Q: Where is your hometown? How long have you been in St. Louis? At WashU?
A: I moved to St. Louis from Chicago in 2017.

Q: What do you do here at Olin?
A: I teach courses centered on new product innovation, digital marketing, and entrepreneurship marketing. In addition, I’m the co-director of the Center of Analytics & Business Insights and Academic Director of the Values-Based, Data-Driven pillar at Olin.

Q: What is something that you’ve done/accomplished in your time at WashU/Olin that you are most proud of?
A: Learning from students that I have positively impacted their experience at Olin and helped them in their careers is what means the most to me. When I made the decision to leave industry for academia I did it with a complete commitment to our students. I am incredibly fortunate to work with them each day. One of the biggest honors of my career was being awarded the Reid Teaching Award by the graduating BSBA class this past spring. Knowing firsthand how fantastic our faculty are here at Olin, it was really cool.

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?
A: In addition to spending time with my wife and two children, I like to play golf and really enjoy everything and anything outdoors.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do/place to go in St. Louis?
A: Taking my kids to Forest Park is something I enjoy a lot. There are so many great things to do and it’s by far the most beautiful park I’ve ever been to in my life.

Q: Anything else about yourself you’d like to share about yourself?
A: I think just how fortunate I am to be part of Olin and Washington University in St. Louis, something I hope remains true for the rest of my career.